Informativa ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Codice della Privacy

Ai sensi dell’articolo 13 del codice della D.Lgs. 196/2003, vi rendiamo le seguenti informazioni.

Noi di riteniamo che la privacy dei nostri visitatori sia estremamente importante. Questo documento descrive dettagliatamente i tipi di informazioni personali raccolti e registrati dal nostro sito e come essi vengano utilizzati.

File di Registrazione (Log Files)

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Cookie Policy

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Modalità del trattamento

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Natura obbligatoria

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Diritti dell’interessato

Ai sensi ai sensi dell’art. 7 (Diritto di accesso ai dati personali ed altri diritti) del Codice della Privacy, vi segnaliamo che i vostri diritti in ordine al trattamento dei dati sono:

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    • l’aggiornamento, la rettifica ovvero, qualora vi abbia interesse, l’integrazione dei dati esistenti;
    • opporvi in tutto o in parte per motivi legittimi al trattamento dei dati personali che vi riguardano ancorché pertinenti allo scopo della raccolta;

Vi segnaliamo che il titolare del trattamento ad ogni effetto di legge è:

MILANO (MI) Via F. FERRUCCI 6 CAP 20145 – REA MI – 2663071
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 Per esercitare i diritti previsti all’art. 7 del Codice della Privacy ovvero per la cancellazione dei vostri dati dall’archivio, è sufficiente contattarci attraverso uno dei canali messi a disposizione.

Tutti i dati sono protetti attraverso l’uso di antivirus, firewall e protezione attraverso password.

Questa politica sulla privacy si applica solo alle nostre attività online ed è valida per i visitatori del nostro sito web e per quanto riguarda le informazioni condivise e/o raccolte. Questa politica non si applica a qualsiasi informazione raccolta in modalità offline o tramite canali diversi da questo sito web.


Usando il nostro sito web, acconsenti alla nostra politica sulla privacy e accetti i suoi termini. Se desideri ulteriori informazioni o hai domande sulla nostra politica sulla privacy non esitare a contattarci.



Merenda Sinoira

Apero? Brunch? Neither one nor the other; the Merenda Sinoira, an unforgettable and unforgettable old Piedmontese gastronomic tradition that is making a comeback, not only in Piedmont.
A cold meal, substantial but with simple local products.
The name Sinoira derives from “sin-a”, a word which in Piedmontese dialect means dinner. Then a snack before dinner. Around 5 pm this refreshing break was set up with the aim of energizing those who had done strenuous work in the early afternoon, before starting to tackle the evening tasks.


The “marenda ant el fassolet” was brought to the field in a napkin and consequently consumed outdoors. The real “marenda sinoira” was instead much richer and more varied and was prepared at home at the end of an important job. All the members of the family attended this small banquet, but also the people who had helped to finish the job.


The ritual of the Sinoira snack, rediscovered and reinvented, creates moments of sociability to be enjoyed strictly in slow mode



Your villa, may be a fully staffed and catered villa, with an italian regional personal chef, English, French, Spanish, speaking.

You concentrate on enjoying yourself, while your chef,  look after you throughout your stay.

You will rise refreshed to enjoy breakfast prepared for you. We serve breakfasts, lunches, dinners, aperitivos, grocery baskets, cooking classes, wine tastings.

What’s make the real difference, we are  offering a 360° food service, getting local farmers food, totally organic locally sourced into the Piedmont regional zone.

All the cheeses, meats, fruits, vegetables, milk, butter, honey, ham and salami, yoghurt, handmade fresh pastas, wines, artisan ice-creams, cakes and even waters, are coming from our living area, with an attentive selection of what’s best is offered.
We will be carrying the local food to be cooked at the guests house according to our guests requests. We will take care of the whole service at home.

The service includes the groceries, the service the table setting and unsettling the waitress, the cleaning!

We may organize, morning breakfasts, lunches, dinners, delivered meals, afternoon breaks, Italian aperos, cooking classes and all the services are totally tailored.


We Cook & Deliver.

We’re in the kitchen so you don’t have to be. Our ready-to-eat meals are all prepared fresh and doorstep delivered.

Home Chef

Want homemade meals 24/7 that your entire family will love?

We will find the right personal chef for your household’s lifestyle and culinary needs.

Cooking Classes

Cooking Lessons

We share secrets learned throughout 10 years experience through cooking lessons – focused on 4 key tenants: Flavor, Health, Technique, Fun!

The Chef’s starting point for creating any dish begins by focusing on flavor. How can this dish being created be flavorful? Delicious food starts with great ingredients, but one must ask what are the other “Elements of Taste” that comprise a well balanced, flavorful dish?
Let’s discover it together!

A generous tasting will follow each class.

The Beer Experience

Spend the day brewing a beer with one of our award-winning brewers! Get hands on and get involved! Our microbrewery sits right in the heart of our beautiful Malesco village.
This experience is perfect to enjoy on your own (with our brewer of course) or as part of a group!
Brew your own beer in groups of up to 15 people – during these sessions, running into an Artisan Beer produce located into the stunning Vigezzo Valley, 40 mn driving far from the Maggiore Lake, you’ll weigh out your grains and mash in prior to an in-depth discussion on the process of brewing.
A tutored tasting covering 8 different beers hosted by our beer specialist and possibility to enjoy a regional board of mountain cheeses and cold cuts.
Open your mind to the world of beer!

Wine Safaris

Regional wines tasting both in the vineyards and into the cellars.
Lovely “on board” wine tastings with music, cruising on the Lake.

Pastas Cooking Classes


PASTA A MATTARELLO is an ancient tradition which has been handed down from mother to daughter, it’s all about wise gestures that girls learn since early childhood.

will follow you step by step, in all the stages of fresh pasta production, such as:
– ingredient’s mixture
– “mattarello” techniques
– creation of different sizes of pasta.

We will reveal the ancient secrets of traditional dishes and we will teach you how to cook fresh egg pasta.

We will discover which are the most enjoyable and tasty sauces and dressing for our different types of pasta.


We’ll eat all together the result of our efforts:
– Tortelloni with ricotta cheese
– Tagliatelle al ragù
– Tortellini in broth or cream

2 hours cooking together and served dinner after. Kitchen cleaning.

Pastas Cooking Classes


PASTA A MATTARELLO is an ancient tradition which has been handed down from mother to daughter, it’s all about wise gestures that girls learn since early childhood.

will follow you step by step, in all the stages of fresh pasta production, such as:
– ingredient’s mixture
– “mattarello” techniques
– creation of different sizes of pasta.

We will reveal the ancient secrets of traditional dishes and we will teach you how to cook fresh egg pasta.

We will discover which are the most enjoyable and tasty sauces and dressing for our different types of pasta.


We’ll eat all together the result of our efforts:
– Tortelloni with ricotta cheese
– Tagliatelle al ragù
– Tortellini in broth or cream

2 hours cooking together and served dinner after. Kitchen cleaning.

Wine Safaris

Regional wines tasting both in the vineyards and into the cellars.
Lovely “on board” wine tastings with music, cruising on the Lake.

The Beer Experience

Spend the day brewing a beer with one of our award-winning brewers! Get hands on and get involved! Our microbrewery sits right in the heart of our beautiful Malesco village.
This experience is perfect to enjoy on your own (with our brewer of course) or as part of a group!
Brew your own beer in groups of up to 15 people – during these sessions, running into an Artisan Beer produce located into the stunning Vigezzo Valley, 40 mn driving far from the Maggiore Lake, you’ll weigh out your grains and mash in prior to an in-depth discussion on the process of brewing.
A tutored tasting covering 8 different beers hosted by our beer specialist and possibility to enjoy a regional board of mountain cheeses and cold cuts.
Open your mind to the world of beer!



Seasonally Fresh Menus

We love seasonal ingredients and sourcing items from local, artisanal purveyors. After finding the best ingredients, we craft menus to highlight those ingredients and create the culinary journey you imagine and desire.

Your special occasion needs the right food, as you cannot properly celebrate milestone events without a great menu.
The freshest local and sustainable food possible, allowing you to leave a lasting impression on friends, family, and event attendees. Your birthday celebration, cocktail party, weddings, will be in the best of hands with is.

Gastronomic Experiences

Eat like the locals: colorful fruits and vegetables, aromatic herbs and spices, creamy golden cheeses, and the pungent smell of cured meats tempt your eyes and nose.

There are few places in the word as famous for its food than Italy. There’s just something special about traditional Italian cuisine that sets it apart from most of its neighbors.

Our objective is to help our new passionate Foodie Friends to better understand, enjoy and taste the most outstanding and authentic Italian gourmet products.

Sorriso empatico, pelle luminosa, figura morbida e accogliente: Simona (un diploma conquistato da giovanissima alla prestigiosa Scuola parigina di Arti culinarie Le Cordon Bleu) è il ritratto della gioia di vivere e della salute, a dispetto delle giornate intense e impegnative che la vedono dividersi tra lavoro di cucina, organizzazione di eventi e acquisti di formaggi, carni, verdure e altre prelibatezze, vanto della gastronomia locale, ovvero dei territori che si specchiano sul lago Maggiore dove da qualche anno si è trasferita. Infatti vive e accompagna in una golosa esperienza di sapori, a volte dimenticati, chi vuole pranzare o cenare da lei o seguire un corso di cucina nella bella casa di Massino Visconti, costruita dai suoi nonni durante la seconda guerra mondiale quando erano stati costretti a sfollare da Milano e di cui si erano innamorati per la splendida vista del Lago Maggiore. Il segreto di questa signora dolce ed energica, con un talento per cogliere il meglio della vita, tenendo alla larga stress e cali di umore? La passione per la cucina e la ricerca gastronomica che comprende anche la scoperta di antiche ricette della tradizione, riviste e attualizzate alla luce delle esigenze moderne. Conferma Simona: «Qui ho realizzato il sogno di lasciare Milano, dove sono nata e ho sempre vissuto insegnando inglese ai bimbi, per dedicarmi interamente al mio amore per la buona cucina del territorio. Il mio sogno l’ho coltivato con pazienza, sperimentando ricette e studiando le tipicità gastronomiche mentre crescevo i miei due figli, Nicolò e Alessandro, che con piacere si sottoponevano ad assaggi e test di gradimento. Ho saputo aspettare il momento giusto per dare una svolta alla mia vita, senza penalizzare la famiglia. Così siamo tutti felici: loro hanno preso la loro strada e io la mia». Un percorso che tra l’altro la vede coinvolgere e aiutare altre donne a realizzarsi tramite il lavoro in cucina e la trasmissione di antiche ricette.

«Ho creato un gruppo di donne – spiega Simona – circa una quindicina, che mi fanno conoscere le loro specialità fatte in casa e che ora lavorano per me, insegnando durante i miei corsi di pasta fresca oppure dandomi i loro lavorati. Sono quasi tutte casalinghe che ora sono molto soddisfatte di questa opportunità occupazionale». Ma che cosa si mangia nel bellissimo cottage di Massino Visconti, con giardino e splendida vista sul lago? Una degustazione completa di menu di 3 portate (antipasti regionali, 3 paste diverse, torte) con una bottiglia di vino regionale ogni 4 persone, seguendo la stagionalità e quanto di meglio offerto dal territorio. C’è anche la possibilità di andare a conoscere i contadini e i loro prodotti o di passare qualche ora in barca con escursioni promosse da Simona.

I suoi menù sono tipicamente casalinghi: tagliere misto di formaggi locali da latte a crudo, lavorati in paioli di rame su camino a legna, con burro e salumi locali, accompagnati da mostarda e giardiniera di frutta e verdura biologica e casalinga. Frittura di fiori di zucchina e salvia. Ravioli fatti a mano dai ripieni in linea con la stagione come zucca, porcini, verze, topinambur, erbette o brasato. E, ancora: polenta Vigezzina, carni da pascolo di vari tagli in lenta cottura come Brasato, Costine stufate, Bruscitt, Stinco di maiale, Arrosti e Stufati. Oppure sempre in stagione, secondo il pescato: filettini di Persico panati o ancora Luccio Perca o Spiedini di Trota. Per finire, dolci e gelato artigianale.

«Le carni arrivano una volta al mese dai pascoli di Levo di Stresa – sottolinea Simona: in base a quanto mi consegnano, cucino. I salumi dall’Alto Vergante novarese, così come latte, burro uova e formaggi. Le verdure provengono dai piani di Lesa e crescono con un microclima semi lacustre. I pesci, da pescatori di Belgirate. I frutti rossi sono del mio giardino, così come insalate, aromi e zucchine con fiori. Miele, mostarda giardiniera, marmellate, pasta fatta a mano dalle mie collaboratrici». E se qualcuno vuole trascorrere qualche giorno di relax e assaporare gli splendidi paesaggi che si godono dai vari punti del Lago Maggiore, con l’aiuto di Simona può trovare dove dormire in deliziosi B&B adeguati alle disponibilità e, in estate, programmare una gita in barca.

Cooking Classes

Cooking Lessons

We share secrets learned throughout 10 years experience through cooking lessons – focused on 4 key tenants: Flavor, Health, Technique, Fun!

The Chef’s starting point for creating any dish begins by focusing on flavor. How can this dish being created be flavorful? Delicious food starts with great ingredients, but one must ask what are the other “Elements of Taste” that comprise a well balanced, flavorful dish?
Let’s discover it together!

A generous tasting will follow each class.

Home Chef

Want homemade meals 24/7 that your entire family will love?

We will find the right personal chef for your household’s lifestyle and culinary needs.


We Cook & Deliver.

We’re in the kitchen so you don’t have to be. Our ready-to-eat meals are all prepared fresh and doorstep delivered.


Your villa, may be a fully staffed and catered villa, with an italian regional personal chef, English, French, Spanish, speaking.

You concentrate on enjoying yourself, while your chef,  look after you throughout your stay.

You will rise refreshed to enjoy breakfast prepared for you. We serve breakfasts, lunches, dinners, aperitivos, grocery baskets, cooking classes, wine tastings.

What’s make the real difference, we are  offering a 360° food service, getting local farmers food, totally organic locally sourced into the Piedmont regional zone.

All the cheeses, meats, fruits, vegetables, milk, butter, honey, ham and salami, yoghurt, handmade fresh pastas, wines, artisan ice-creams, cakes and even waters, are coming from our living area, with an attentive selection of what’s best is offered.
We will be carrying the local food to be cooked at the guests house according to our guests requests. We will take care of the whole service at home.

The service includes the groceries, the service the table setting and unsettling the waitress, the cleaning!

We may organize, morning breakfasts, lunches, dinners, delivered meals, afternoon breaks, Italian aperos, cooking classes and all the services are totally tailored.

New Experiences

What’s food for you?
For us it’s a giver, a way to make people smile.

Our restaurant without walls has no boundaries other than the green and waters.
Let’s join us into this amazing experience, starting from summer 2023, on the hills above Orta Lake into a private woods, where we are creating something unique which our diners could relate to and feel part of.
Our aim is to use food and nature to reconnect our guests with the world around them.
Gazing up at the trees as the sun began to set and feeling a part of nature we each agreed was a magical experience.
It is a new way of dining.
One which embraces nature that we are each part of.
One which explores our profound connection with the world.